2011年2月24日 星期四

Chen Guangbiao donates 5 hundred million

Have you ever donate money to help someone?Yes,I have.The Cinese rich man:Chen Guangbiao (陳光標)donates NT 5 hundred million dollars to help poor Taiwanese.

I feel I should do my part to help those who are in need.Eaevrything that I can help
who needs people.I don't have much to donate.But I would like to money to help poor people if I became millionaire.

During this year,he has been around different places of the world while spreading
love and goodwill. Through learning various cultures has truly made me understand
that love is at every corner of the world.There are things in life that cannot wait;
fulfilling filial piety and doing good things.Let us take it step by step.Let us encourage each other to do good and be determined.To five is better than to receive. Include me when doing good deeds; exclude me when doing evil deeds. I may not be the best, but I will try my best to do good things to help people who need help.

