2009年12月29日 星期二

My favorite city "Paris and New York."

Vacation spots around the world are interestingly connected to culture, edifice, and behaviour. We can see in the similarites between Paris and New York the most popular vacation spot for foreign visitors.Many of the vacation spots are similar everywhere in Paris and New York. For example, in Paris and New York that symbolic culture of museum resemble each other. Paris has the Louvre Museum while New York has Metropolitan Museum of Art. You can spend all of your time visiting museums and monuments. Edifice is an important vacation spots that you have to see. Paris has Eiffel Tower or New York has Statue of Liberty. You will fond both of they so charming. Finally, you can walking in the park. Paris has Charnps-Elysees than New York has Central Park. Try coffee and pastries at as sidewalk café. Strike up a conversation with a local person.In conclusion, vacation spots are both of Paris and New York are many to see and visit. If you have been to Paris and New York? Preparing your luggage, you got ready to visit.

